Public Speaking Lab

How to Make Your Communication More Captivating?

How to Make Your Communication More Captivating?

Hey there, fellow communicators! If you’ve ever felt like you’re talking, but no one’s really listening, I’ve got a quick tip that might just change the game. 

A quick tip if you want people to really listen. It’s not about being overly excited; it’s about being calm. Be calm by pausing. Ask a question right before your pause. Pause for two seconds and people will think about what you’re saying. 

Let’s dive into it, shall we?

Why Calmness is Key

Calmness, in the context of communication, is just another way of saying “pausing more often.” You see, every time you allow a well-placed pause, you create an opportunity for your message to resonate. It’s like giving your words room to breathe and linger in the minds of your listeners. That’s the essence of true engagement.

Imagine this scenario: you’re in the middle of a conversation or presentation, and after delivering a few sentences, you insert a well-timed pause. The power of that pause is astonishing. It allows your audience to catch up with your thoughts, to internalize what you’ve said, and to prepare for what’s coming next. The last thing you uttered stays with them, hanging in the air like a thought balloon waiting to be grabbed.


Harnessing the Pause-Question Combo

Now, here’s where the magic happens. To truly make your words stick and provoke thought, pair your pause with a question. For example, after delivering a key point, pose a question and then count to two in your head. During those two seconds, the minds of your audience will be racing to answer your question, diving deep into your message.

When you ask a question and allow a brief pause, it’s like planting a seed of curiosity in the minds of your listeners. They can’t help but ponder your query, and that’s precisely the engagement you want. You’re not just speaking; you’re inviting your audience to actively think and participate in the conversation.

This technique is beautifully simple, yet its impact is profound. It transforms your communication from a monologue into a dialogue, even if your audience isn’t verbally responding. You’ve ignited their thought process, and that’s where meaningful connection and understanding begin.

Pause-Question Combo

Boosting Retention and Impact

One of the greatest benefits of this pause-question combo is its effect on retention. When people actively think about what you’re saying, they’re more likely to remember it. Your message sticks in their minds, and your words leave a lasting impact.

Now, you might be wondering how to incorporate these pauses seamlessly. It’s all about finding natural moments in your speech where a pause not only fits but enhances your message. Whether you’re making a key point, sharing a story, or leading into a new topic, strategic pauses can be applied in various scenarios.

Like any skill, becoming a master of pauses and questions takes practice. Record your speeches or conversations and analyze your use of pauses. Are they enhancing your message, or are they lacking? Experiment, refine, and find the rhythm that works best for you.

Boosting Retention

In a world where communication is often hurried and superficial, pausing and questioning sets you apart. It transforms your interactions into meaningful exchanges, where thoughts are shared, pondered, and remembered. So, the next time you’re speaking, don’t rush to fill every second with words. Embrace the power of the pause, ask a compelling question, and let your words resonate in the minds of your audience.

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Ivan Wanis Ruiz

Speaker | Emcee | Trainer

I am on a mission to END BORING, and I need your help.  How amazing would it be if every time you spoke, people not only listened, but remember and acted on what you say?  That is why I wrote this blog, to give you tools to be the person that is fearless and commands attention.

~ Ivan

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