Public Speaking Lab

How to Navigate Opinionated Questions in Public Speaking?

How to Navigate Opinionated Questions in Public Speaking?

I’m about to drop some knowledge that might just blow your mind. You see, when you’re up there giving a presentation, questions can feel like little curveballs thrown your way. But guess what? Most of these so-called “questions” are nothing more than disguised statements of opinion. It’s time to shift your perspective and ace your presentations like a pro. So, how can you deal with opinionated questions?

Instead of answering that tricky ‘question,’ join the ranks of the audience. Tell the rest of the room that you had the same question and reveal what convinced you. Suddenly, you’re not trying to persuade that one person with an opinion; you have the whole room on your side. 

Before we break it down. Let’s understand what is an opinionated question…

Public Speaking

The Question That’s Not a Question

Let’s face it, folks – public speaking can be a tricky business. One moment you’re in the flow, and the next, someone in the audience throws a ‘question’ at you. But here’s the catch – these questions are often veiled as opinions. Picture this: someone raises their hand and says, “I have a question about what you just said because, for me, and my experience is…” Bam! It’s an opinion in disguise. The real question is, do you even need to answer it?

The odds of changing someone’s opinion within a few minutes are close to zero, especially if it’s deeply rooted in their personal experience. So, what’s a savvy presenter to do?

That's Not a Question

Turning the Tables on Opinionated Questions

Now, let’s get practical. You’re on stage, and someone throws an opinion-drenched question your way. What do you do? Ask the entire audience the same question. Let everyone know you were in the same boat, wondering about the same thing, and spill the beans on what made up your mind. Now you’re not just trying to win over that one person; you’ve got the whole room nodding along with you. This will shift the spotlight from yourself and onto the audience. You’ll be amazed at how this simple tactic can defuse the situation and win the room over to your side.

But here’s the golden rule – don’t answer the question yourself! Instead, pick someone from the audience to share their thoughts. The more people who agree with your perspective, the stronger your argument becomes. It’s like having a team of supporters who can vouch for your point of view. This is not only a brilliant strategy but also a fun way to engage your audience and get them invested in your presentation.

Opinionated Questions

Additional tips

  1. Be prepared: It’s always a good idea to be prepared for opinionated questions. Think about the most common questions that you might be asked and prepare your responses ahead of time.
  2. Be confident: Confidence is key when dealing with opinionated questions. Speak with confidence and conviction, even if you’re not 100% sure of your answer.
  3. Be respectful: Even if you disagree with the questioner, it’s important to be respectful of their opinion. Avoid getting defensive or argumentative.
  4. Have fun: Public speaking should be enjoyable for both you and your audience. So don’t be afraid to show your personality and have some fun with it.

So there you have it, my friends – a playful, yet practical guide to handling opinionated questions and boosting your public speaking game. It’s all about turning the tables and getting the audience on your side. Go out there, implement these strategies, and enjoy smooth sailing in your presentations! 

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Ivan Wanis Ruiz

Speaker | Emcee | Trainer

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~ Ivan

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