Public Speaking Lab

Are Self-Introductions Necessary in Public Speaking?

Are Self-Introductions Necessary in Public Speaking?

Hello there, fellow speakers and presentation enthusiasts! 

I’ve got a slightly controversial perspective to share with you today, and I’m eager to hear your thoughts in the comments below. Do you think you need to introduce yourself when you’re going to present?

Well, here it is: You don’t need to introduce yourself when you’re about to speak. Why? Telling people about yourself right away might make them jump to conclusions about you, where you come from, or the company you’re associated with.

What do you think? Do you actually need to introduce yourself in a way that’s often deemed… well, boring? Let’s dive in!


Breaking the Ice, Breaking the Mold

Picture this: I was at a glitzy awards ceremony not too long ago, and it got me thinking. Every single person stepping up to present an award was introduced in some way. At the very least, they had their name and the company they were representing. And you know what? This happens all the time. Even in simple virtual presentations or boardroom meetings, the first thing people say is, “Hi, my name is,” followed by, “and I’m here to talk about this.”

Have you ever considered the downsides of that kind of introduction? It’s time to take a closer look. Now, don’t get me wrong; introducing yourself can be essential in many situations. But sometimes, it can work against you.

When you start with your name and a generic greeting, you might not be making the memorable first impression you desire. Your audience’s attention could wander before you even get to the meat of your message. 

Also, introducing yourself can lead to preconceived notions about you, your background, or your company. These notions might distract your audience from your core message. Plus, there’s always the risk of unintentionally alienating a portion of your audience based on their prior experiences or biases.

Consider this: your introduction can consume a significant chunk of your limited speaking time. Is it worth it if it doesn’t add value to your message? Perhaps not.

Public Speaking

How to Hook your Audience?

Now, here’s a question for you: what if you could grab your audience’s attention right from the get-go, without the traditional introduction? You’d have them hooked, engaged, and curious. It’s a powerful concept in public speaking and copywriting that can transform the way you present. Let’s dive into some alternatives:

  • Instead of saying your name, start with a short, compelling story related to your topic. People love stories, and they’re more likely to remember your message if it’s wrapped in a narrative.
  • Drop a surprising fact or statistic that relates to your subject matter. A jaw-dropping figure or unexpected piece of information can jolt your audience into paying attention.
  • Ask your audience a question that gets them thinking. This not only engages them but also sets the stage for the content that follows. It’s like planting a seed of curiosity.
  • Begin with a relevant, impactful quote from a well-known figure. It can add authority to your words and intrigue your listeners.
How to Hook your Audience?

Self-Introduction (When Necessary)

Of course, there are scenarios where introducing yourself is essential. After all, your audience should know who’s speaking, right? But even in these cases, you can do it in a way that’s far from boring. Here’s how:

First, keep your self-introduction concise and directly related to your topic. Share just enough to establish your credibility and expertise without going into unnecessary detail. Try to make a personal connection by sharing a relatable anecdote or experience related to your subject. This can humanize you and build rapport with your audience. If it fits your style and the context, a touch of humor can lighten the mood and make your introduction more engaging.

In the world of public speaking, breaking the mold can be a game-changer. So, let’s challenge the status quo. I’ve shared my thoughts, and now I’m eager to hear yours. Do you still believe in the traditional “Hi, I’m…” introduction, or are you ready to explore alternative ways to start your presentations?

Remember, it’s not about completely eliminating self-introductions but reimagining them. In the grand scheme of things, making your audience say, “Wow, that was interesting from the very beginning!” is the goal. It’s time to infuse creativity and freshness into your speeches. As you experiment with these new approaches, your speaking style will evolve, and your audience will thank you for it.

Read this blog and find 3 ways to be more natural and engaging when giving a speech!

3 Ways To Be More Natural And Engaging When Giving A Speech

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Ivan Wanis Ruiz

Speaker | Emcee | Trainer

I am on a mission to END BORING, and I need your help.  How amazing would it be if every time you spoke, people not only listened, but remember and acted on what you say?  That is why I wrote this blog, to give you tools to be the person that is fearless and commands attention.

~ Ivan

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