Public Speaking Lab

4 Effective Strategies to Get People Talking

4 Effective Strategies to Get People Talking

Have you ever been in a situation where you’re trying to talk to someone, and suddenly, they have shut down? It can be incredibly frustrating, right? 

You’re not alone! In this article, I’m going to share four effective strategies that will help you break the ice and get the conversation flowing again. So, let’s dive in!

When you don’t know what else to say after the conversation has been cut short, try asking for help from the other person. You can also be honest and say that you don’t know how to interpret the silence or suggest changing the location to allow the conversation to continue. If this doesn’t work, give the other person space to resume the conversation later.

Still not sure how these methods can work to keep the conversation going? Let’s take a closer look.


1. Asking for Help

One of the most effective ways to revive a stalled conversation is by asking for help. When you approach someone with humility and a genuine need for their help, you create an opening for dialogue. 

“Listen, I need your help here. We can’t end this meeting, or I can’t walk away without something happening. Can you please just help me?”

So, next time you find yourself in a conversational rut, try this approach. Express your need for their input and watch how quickly the conversation reignites. You’ll be surprised by how eager people are to lend a hand and share their thoughts.

2. Interpret The Silence

“I don’t know how to interpret all this silence.” – This simple yet effective phrase can work like a charm to get someone talking. When you acknowledge the awkward silence and express your confusion, you invite the other person to share their thoughts. It’s a clever way to break the ice, and it can make the other person feel more comfortable opening up.

But why stop at one strategy when you can use both? Combine the “ask for help” and “interpret the silence” methods:

“I don’t know how to interpret your silence. Can you please help?”

This combination not only shows your vulnerability but also empowers the other person to assist you in figuring out the situation. It’s a great way to turn a stagnant conversation into an engaging one.

3. Changing Locations

Sometimes, a physical change of scenery can work wonders in shifting the mental frame of a conversation. If you’re stuck in a conversation in the kitchen, consider moving to the living room or another space. Changing locations can break the monotony, stimulate fresh thinking, and make the conversation more dynamic.

Imagine you’re in a conference room with a colleague, and the conversation is going nowhere. Suggest moving to the nearby coffee lounge or a more relaxed setting. The change of scenery can bring a breath of fresh air to the conversation, encouraging both you and your conversational partner to open up.

4. Taking a Break

Taking a break may sound contradictory, but it’s a clever strategy to get people talking again. Sometimes, people need a moment to process their thoughts and emotions, and stepping away briefly can provide that space. It’s like hitting the pause button, allowing both parties to gather their composure and come back with renewed enthusiasm for the conversation.

Whether you need to use the bathroom, grab a glass of water, or simply step outside for a breath of fresh air, taking a break can work wonders. It’s a polite and considerate way to give your conversational partner the time they need without pressuring them to talk when they’re not ready.

 Taking a Break

Conversations may hit roadblocks from time to time, but with these strategies in your arsenal, you’ll be well-equipped to turn any stalemate into a lively dialogue. In the end, the key to unlocking conversations and keeping them engaging is effective communication. These strategies are tools in your conversational toolbox. The most important thing to remember is to be genuine, empathetic, and patient with the other person.

Building strong connections through conversation takes time and practice, and it’s all about making the other person feel valued and heard. So, don’t hesitate to try out these strategies and see which ones work best for you in different situations. Remember, communication is a journey, and with each interaction, you have the chance to refine your skills and build meaningful connections. So, give these techniques a try and #EndBoring conversations today! 

Would you like to know more communication tips? Check out why you haven’t improved your communications skills!

2 Reasons Why You Haven’t Improved Your Communication Skills

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Ivan Wanis Ruiz

Speaker | Emcee | Trainer

I am on a mission to END BORING, and I need your help.  How amazing would it be if every time you spoke, people not only listened, but remember and acted on what you say?  That is why I wrote this blog, to give you tools to be the person that is fearless and commands attention.

~ Ivan

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