Public Speaking Lab

3 Strategies to Keep Your Audience Engaged

3 Strategies to Keep Your Audience Engaged

Hey there, fellow communicators! Let’s chat about something we’ve all experienced in the world of public speaking – that moment when you’re giving a presentation and feeling like nobody’s really paying attention. You’re pouring your heart into your talk, but it feels like no one is really tuned in. So, what’s the typical response? Most of us feel like we must plow through our presentation. However, it’s important to note that they’re not doing it intentionally. There are some very valid reasons. Now comes the question: “Well, how can I keep the audience’s attention?” Here’s what you can do to keep your audience engaged:

Don’t overload your presentation with information. Start with a teaser to pique their curiosity. And finally, tell stories and anecdotes to your speech to connect with the audience. 

Let us break it down for you! Check out our three tips for engaging your audience in your presentations. 


1. Simplify your slides

One common pitfall is the temptation to overload slides with lengthy text, inadvertently transforming them into a script rather than a visual aid. You know, the ones your audience reads while you’re talking. They’re thinking, “If this is important, I’ll just read it later.”.

That’s why simplifying slides is crucial; they should enhance your speech, not overshadow it. Opt for impactful visuals over wordy paragraphs, allowing your audience to absorb information more effectively. Reserve the finer details for your spoken words, injecting life into your presentation with examples, and explanations. By finding the right balance between visuals and spoken content, you not only capture attention but also create a more memorable and engaging experience for your audience.

2. Start your speech with a teaser 

Another challenge often encountered during presentations is the absence of an effective filtering system. Presenting information without a clear context can leave the audience struggling to discern its significance. So, what’s the solution? 

Begin by creating a sense of intrigue with a teaser, sparking curiosity and prompting your audience to lean in. Follow this up with a well-defined roadmap that serves as a guide through your presentation, helping them understand the journey ahead. To further engage your audience, initiate the conversation with a thought-provoking question, stimulating their cognitive processes and setting the stage for active participation. By asking questions that delve deeper, you can captivate your audience, pique their curiosity, and maintain their engagement throughout your entire presentation.

speech with teaser 

3. Add stories and anecdotes to your presentation 

The third challenge often encountered in presentations is the risk of content becoming somewhat dry and uninspiring. It’s a common pitfall that can lead to disengagement. To remedy this, infuse your presentation with stories and anecdotes that resonate with your audience, making the content relatable and memorable. 

Don’t shy away from incorporating humor strategically, as laughter serves as a powerful engagement tool, fostering a more positive and receptive atmosphere. Additionally, consider the use of props or visual aids to break the monotony, providing a dynamic and multi-sensory experience. 

By doing this, you not only capture attention but also create a more vibrant and compelling presentation that leaves a lasting impact.


In conclusion, your audience craves engagement, and you have the power to deliver it. It’s not just a matter of sharing information; it’s about igniting a real conversation, challenging the status quo, and ensuring your audience remains thoroughly engaged. So, let’s #EndBoring and embark on a journey to thrill and inspire our audiences with questions that make them think, ponder, and engage!

If you’ve got additional tips or stories in your public speaking endeavors, please share them. Let’s create a lively community of passionate speakers who know how to keep their audience hanging on every word!

Are you interested in more communication tips for your next presentation? Check out this blog!

How to Keep the Attention of Your Audience Throughout Your Presentation?

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Ivan Wanis Ruiz

Speaker | Emcee | Trainer

I am on a mission to END BORING, and I need your help.  How amazing would it be if every time you spoke, people not only listened, but remember and acted on what you say?  That is why I wrote this blog, to give you tools to be the person that is fearless and commands attention.

~ Ivan

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